Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 8/23/07

Amended and Approved on 9/18/07



Committee Attendees

George Bailey - Chair

Allen Garf

Corey Snow, Treasurer - absent

Arnold Kublin

Arnold Cohen 

Susan Rich – absent

Peg Argiumbau



Guest Attendees

Jennifer Goldson – Consultant

Laura Russell


Meeting Initiation


The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Chair, George Bailey who reviewed the evening’s agenda.


Meeting Minutes


The meeting minutes for 7/26/07 were reviewed. Mr. Garf moved to approve the minutes of 7/26/07 as written. Mr. Cohen seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-1 in favor. Ms. Arguimbau abstained due to her absence from the 7/26/07 meeting.

Chairman’s Report

1. Mr. Bailey reviewed the revision to Ms. Goldson’s schedule of meetings with stakeholder groups and the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Bailey and Mr. Garf attended the Selectmen presentation that Ms. Goldson attended. Mr. Kublin said he is reviewing the housing issues with Ms. Goldson and Ms. Desberg to establish priorities for housing.

2. Mr. Bailey said to think about changing the process for the finalization of recommendations before they go before the Committee. We need to have a hearing before we act regarding money. Need a Public Hearing at least one – two months ahead of time. This will give the committee members time to make sure all is correct before we act. 

3. Mr. Bailey reported that as of last Tuesday, the Selectmen acted on the Horizons for Youth Bond issue and it went out at 4.63%. The first fiscal year was not heavy on open space issue – its 3-4% on 1.2 million spread January – August which makes the model change. Instead of 30%, open space and 40% recreation; $33,000 needs to be encumbered for funds for open space because it went beyond fiscal 07. Mr. Bailey wrote to the DOR and they said encumber the amount for open space. Mr.  Bailey will put a spreadsheet on the website to explain. The spreadsheet works; it does what CPA says we need to do.

Borderland Massapoag Trail - #016

Laura Russell, representing project #016 came before the Committee and stated the project started in 1995 – 1996. In 2002, there were efforts to build sidewalks on Massapoag and this went to the state but was not eligible for TIP funding. Now residents have put together an effort to build a trail along Borderland and Massapoag and transition to sidewalk to the water tower.  This would be a recreational/access connector to promote safety and access. She worked with the DPW on the estimate. It would be a combo sidewalk and trail. Mr. Cohen asked if this sidewalk would be separated by strips of land or granite curbing and Russell said the rite of way would be the setback.

Ms. Goldson said to look at this as a trail for nomotorized activities. What’s the proper width for bicycles in a shared use space? BHB a company who does work on transportation, Chapter 11 shared use paths and greenways ideally said, 10 feet to accommodate shared use for bicycles but would allow a reduction to 8 feet wide. Mr. Cohen said he is unsure of the logic of a 1 mile bike path. Ms. Russell said the ultimate goal is to have a bike path to the lake. Mr. Garf asked if $600,000 covers the 10 feet. Mr. Bailey said an unpaved surface could be an alternative. An examination of the alternatives is needed.

Mr. Kublin said this project is a work in progress that started in 1995. What is Town government such as the DPW, or BOS reaction to the proposal on the drawing board for 12 years? Ms. Russell said the BOS was excited to put in TIP plan but funding did not come through.  Mr. Cohen said that if people want a sidewalk; impose a betterment.

Mr. Kublin said sidewalk construction has to be taken into consideration of people and children walking. A criterion is safety where people have to walk. If the Town has stopped that’s unfortunate but looking at the substantial sum of money requests, there are other areas with safety issues. Mr. Cohen said he would like to see bike paths but not on top of the road with granite curbing.

Mr. Bailey said there is no money at the DCR. In order to meet the CPA criteria this can not be called a bike path. He asked Ms. Goldson to go through the report. She said that more design is needed. CPA allows for trails not sidewalks. In terms of guidelines for project submission, everything was clear to the letter.  Mr. Cohen said this concept talks about 3/10 mile of gravel. Is there where Massapoag reaches Borderland and Ms. Russell replied yes, 1.1 miles of paved sidewalk with curbs.

Mr. Bailey said we are facing financial challenges and agrees with Mr. Cohen that sidewalks are not viable because the Town needs a lot of sidewalks in different places. He asked Ms. Russell to come back with a new way to achieve the objectives. Mr. Garf asked if the DPW created the cost estimate. Ms. Arguimbau asked if this could be divided into 2 projects; Massapoag to first section of Borderland. Ms. Goldson said if you get away from the sidewalk scope and you go with a gravel path idea would this compromise the intent of the goals.  Mr. Bailey said he would support a stone dust street. Ms. Goldson said we need to find out from the DPW if the stone dust trail can be handicap accessible. As this project  is competing against other projects, the main issues are: a)  cost;  which needs to be justified or brought down; b) is it CPA eligible – sidewalk is not eligible but a trail is and c) is a stone dust trail handicap accessible and d)  is any other funding available. E) Will Easton share the cost? Mr. Cohen asked how practical it is to build a trail off the road. It was also stated to ask the DPW about the setback, the scenic look of the road, how many trees need to be removed and if there is another way to design? Get the layout of the street with topal lines.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Snow was not in attendance so a report was not presented.

CPC Consultant

Ms. Goldson reviewed the summary of her meeting with the Board of Selectmen on 8/21 and provided a schedule of meetings with stakeholders. She asked that a CPC member join her at each meeting if possible. At this point she will send a report to the committee via email and at the end will create an outline of the plan. She is asking boards and committees to help prioritize a wish list of needs and possibilities. She will attend the October CPC meeting.  

Ms. Goldson said she reviewed the record preservation request by the Town Clerk and said it is not compliant with CPA. The age of the records date to 1998. The recommendation for CPA records is over 50 years. Ms. Goldson said that Peabody used CPA funds to scan and kept their originals.


Project Review

Closed projects were reviewed

#002 – SHA Family Housing is closed. Approximately $2,000 was turned back to the committee.

#003 – SHS Hixson Farms Road is complete and it came in at $102K instead of $132K.

#006 – Drinking fountains is complete although one fountain is not yet installed. Mr. Snow to investigate.

#009 – Horizons for Youth is fully funded at 1.2 million dollars. There are bond issues that need details from the Town Treasurer.


Approved Projects

#010 – Drake Cemetery– Mr. Bailey spoke with the McAvoys and one abutter will not let the Boy Scouts use the access. The project may be dropped.

#005 – Open Space and Recreation Plan – Ms. Arguimbau reported that there is no monetary cost yet. There is mailing being done and there will be printing costs. The draft plan was submitted and accepted by the State. The committee has a December/January deadline. There is a town wide survey being assembled and is being sent out the week of September 10th with a return deadline of October 16th. An open public meeting will be scheduled.

#006 – Drinking Fountain Installation – previously discussed.

#007 – Pumping Station – no evidence of action.

#008 – Historical Property Survey – the grant came in and the Selectmen have signed it. Mr. Bailey was unsure of how the grant affects CPC funds.

#005 – Glendale – There is no information the project. August 31st is the deadline.



1.  Mr. Garf said we need to develop with the Capital Outlay Committee and Selectmen a financial process to go through for funding. We need to develop a plan.


2.  Officer elections; need a Chair and Clerk to follow up on all projects.


3.      DOR Form CP-3 was signed with 5.99 acres acquired. There were no historical sites or acreage acquired or community housing units created.


4.  Committee discussed the motion to request a space holder article for possible small transfer for planning purposes and a possible transfer of funds to prepay a portion of MBNA borrowing. Ms. Levitts will let Ms. Thaler know.


Next Meeting Date


September 18th and October 25th, 2007.

Election of Officers will occur on September 18th.


Meeting Adjournment


Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM and Mr. Kublin seconded the motion. The Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.